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Flower Boy

Flos Puer


First documented in the forests of Sweden during medieval times, the Söta döden as it's called by locals has a tragic tale attached to it. It is said to have been born of a boy who's mother fed him deadly bittersweet nightshade unknowingly, thinking it a common flower that would preserve his cute looks as he aged and would attract a girl from a wealthy family within the town. After his passing, he was buried under a mayday tree and in the time preceding a short while later locals claimed to see a creature the size of a small boy with a glowing feather atop its head dancing at the edge of the forest. A strong intoxicating aroma would attract children, who would then be compelled to play with the creature but upon touching the flowers on its hands would instantly drop dead. Over the coming time locals came to find it would occasionally shed its flowers, of which could be consumed to invoke flashbacks from their childhood and preserve the *current* state/age of whoever ate it visually. To the dismay of many vain men and women, that could mean visually staying in their older years until they pass, rather than restoring youth like many hoped. This still led to many hunting the creature for its flowers, but no captures have ever actually been made. It is said to still roam the woods of Sweden to this day but its fear of humans (adults especially) have led it to be extremely illusive and no recent sightings have been made.


Zion Kear

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