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Lily Kitten

Aranea liliumfelem


Standing at less than a foot tall, this magical creature has the form of a slender black cat, seemingly made of a misty dark substance, yet solid in form. Its neck is adorned in the curved red petals of the red spider lily, curled up and around to frame the creature’s face. This creature, despite being the size of a “teenage” cat, weighs about ten pounds. The plushie is to scale of what the actual Lily Kitten size is.
The Lily Kitten has a calm demeanor. It’s outwardly affectionate, rather quiet, and has a preference for sleeping on top of one’s chest or directly at their side; the only noise it ever makes is a soft, calming purr that gives off a gentle vibration. It’s also extremely intelligent, both intellectually and emotionally. It has a keen sense for what someone who’s in grief needs.

The origin of the Lily Kitten is unclear. This creature is known to manifest itself in times of human grief. It can appear in multiple places at one time, as it is not a single being, but a manifestation of the comfort that grieving people need.

In said time of need, the Lily Kitten will make its way to where it’s needed in whatever way it can: through an open window, under the crack of a door, or simply appear. It will give a griever a little meow as a warning that it’s present, then make itself comfortable on top of or against the griever. Its purr is calming and relieving, and it seeks to clear the mind of the individual who is grieving so that they may better process the emotions that they are experiencing. If the person is experiencing constant grief, the Lily Kitten might follow them around, providing comfort as often as needed. It can be seen by others only if the Lily Kitten senses that the griever needs further external help, and only then can it be seen by people closest to the griever or anyone that the Lily Kitten believes can actively help them.

Once the Lily Kitten knows that its comfort is no longer needed, it simply slips away into the night, as quietly as it arrived.


Lyla Hill

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